Meet Our Team
"The more we plug into our body and understand our mind... the more we start to see the unlimited potential that lies within us."
We upgrade our devices & knowledge in so many different areas...why are we not upgrading our understanding of mind and body in movement and how this relates to our experience of life and wellbeing?

Hi, I'm Jeanne.
Founder & Owner of Think SIlver studio
As a movement specialist and Somatic & integral leadership coach, I have married these modalities of mind and body into what we offer at Think Silver studio.
My passion is to not only help your body find agility, strength, resilience and alignment BUT to invite you to move BEYOND movement. The body offers us so much wisdom and it is a portal to accessing more resilience, empathy and understanding of what it means to embody the life we want, as well as living into our inner potential, experience more flow and connectedness in our lives all round and to understand how important our wellbeing is to the world around us.
Moving into a new paradigm of movement and being is to understand what embodiment truly means! And that is what our mission offer you not only fitness
& mindful movement that gives you a WHOLE BODY experience but rather a WHOLE BEING experience!
My background and inspiration of the work I do have been fueled by my multifaceted journey. Starting off as a professional tennis & squash player, to studying Human movement science & psychology (BA) at Stellenbosch University and completing my master in Psychotherapy at Delta state university (USA), after which I completed an array of courses and diplomas in Pilates, Nia, Fascia, Massage, Somatics and Coaching. Marrying these courses with 100s of hours of work with clients through movement and consulting/coaching I continue to learn and be inspired by life and the journey with each client, as well as my own body and self.
My overriding vision and mission is to touch your life, expand your experience of your body and being not only because I understand this as WELLNESS but because what I bring you has touched my life in such a positive and meaningful way.
Hi, I'm Allan.
Yoga Bodywork Practitioner/ Yoga & Tai chi Instructor
Confucian belief system is one of the most influential belief system in the history of China, and it has existed for over 2,500 years. It is concerned with inner virtue, morality, and respect for the community and its values.
The belief system encourages everyone to exhibit “ren” person who exhibit “ren” exemplifies the ideal of what a human being should be and encourages others to strive toward it. In fact, the word is homophonous with the word for human being (ren). The concept of “ren” has been interpreted in different ways, some of them partially expressed in English renderings such as “goodness,” “benevolence,” and “love.” All these interpretations, however, share two notions: every human being has the capacity to possess “ren”, and “ren” manifests itself when a virtuous person treats others with humaneness.
I was born on an island next to China named Taiwan “Formosa” it gave me ample opportunity to have ren embedded in my subconscious. Later my empathetic personality and continuing seeking to live my life in harmony with “ren”definitely guided me towards my current passion in healing field and Education field, I simply thrive by giving.
Living in Africa for about 30 years I have seen and experience how people naturally care for one another, that inspires my work daily.