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Is Neurofitness for me?


  • Yes, Neurofitness benefits anyone who wants to improve their inner landscape. When we are able to regulate our Nervous system...

  • We are able to access our problem solving brain.

  • We can broaden our intelligence - which means we are more able to access our intuition, connection to others and it gives us access to our empathy muscle. 

  • We feel more agile and resilient. 

  • We experience life as less overwhelming. 

  • We don't experience unnecessary cortisol surges. 

  • We understand how to truely access rest, which is not a guarantee through sleep (because we can even sleep in a stressed state that does not allow our bodies to truely rest)

  • We create a healing environment which shows through a heightened immunity. 

  • We are more able to process trauma and chronic stress when these are encountered.


Neurofitness consists of short sessions that range from visualizations to some movement combinations that assist you in building your Somatic muscle, your Somatic literacy and also teach you how to understand and regulate your Nervous system. 


Imagine your “being” experiencing more inner agility when it comes to regulating your stress levels, processing trauma, feeling more connected to your intuition and to those people around you… and of course the aim is to having more energy. 


Based in Science your sessions will lean into practical ways to harness information from Neurosciences, Neurobiology, Polyvagal theory, Anatomy trains, and so much more. 


Having worked with people as a Psychotherapist for years, now as a coach…with experience of 25 + years of specializing and supporting clients through mindful movement I have observed - especially in my clients who are injured, stressed or overwhelmed -  how important understanding their Nervous system is to their wellbeing. 


My hope is that we can remedy this lack of understanding by making Neurofitness just as integral and important when practicing as we would in our commitment to our movement regimes. 


Neurofitness will be an online offering with workshops and openday offerings available for you to dive in and start to feel a shift in your state of being. We learn how to harness our potential, inner calm, greater negotiation/leadership and especially special connection.

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